Tresscon Big CIO Show Presentation
Introspection with Informed Judgment
Common Objectives – Business and IT Leadership Group
1) Time to disambiguate the generic expression IT with
1.1) IS – Information System
1.2) BIS – Business Information System
2) IT Leadership Group (CIO + CDO + CISO ) + Technology Partner
2.1) Be ready to transform BIS function into a
2.1.1) Co-creator of strategies with CEO and CFO and Executors
2.1.2) Profit Center from Cost Center – Sustainable Value InnoventorTM
2.1.3) Primary service provider from auxiliary – Partner of the first step
2.2) Be ready to build and generate knowledge for
2.2.1) Weaving business strategies with IT Strategies & Maxims
2.2.2) Minimisation of value destruction and maximization of value creation
2.2.3) Redefining standards to ‘Next-in-Class’ beyond the known boundaries
2.2.4) Coming out of cocoon of maintenance function and InnoventTM
2.2.5) Strengthening the bridge between We (IT) and They (User)
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