Blockchain Paper 2 The Management Accountant June-2018

Advancements in digital technologies in Industry 4.0 era have started bringin in quantum leaps in transformational impacts on systems and processes for value deliveries to business stakeholders. It has already shown potentials forenormousminimisation of value destructionsand surfeit of ‘innoventive’ value creations. Some of these technologies will cause shift to higher trajectory of quality and speed formultifaceted servicedeliveries by any government both at federal and county levels. Blockchain is one of the most welcomed technologies of this new era. Digital scientists are categorisingit as a medium to high impact creating technology. But the present author’s divination is that it has power of creatingground breakingtransformational impacts. Ithas immense potential to benefit people at the lower strata of society, more than what www has rendered in the immediate preceding era. This paper has been written in sequel to the present author’s first paper1 on Blockchain, which was published in February 2018 issue of this journal. Objectivesare to demystify myths and perceptions about Blockchain, take a brief account of it applications in solution building, humane dimensions, imperatives for digital scientists, and regulatory interventions that are necessary to achieve success in applications of this technology. The present author expects readers, if possible, to read his earlier paper for the benefits of continuity.

Research Methodology Even after extensive research, one is hardlyable tohunt out hard facts andauthentic literatureson Blockchain as the technology has started evolving. However, news items, viewpoints of IT and legal professionals, blogs by academicians and opinion makers, etc. can be mined out from cyberspace. Any author on Blockchain, therefore, does not have options but to refer those. Learn more  from pdf >>>>>>

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