4th Monthly Column Digital Transformation 6.12.19
India witnessed advent of IT during 1970s when digital transformation was synonymous with a machine’s help in computing fast and repetitive writing, that too in areas of accounting and reporting. The course of progress till about 2012 made us to experience computerisation of, inter alia, operational systems and business processes; and monitoring and controlling functions with extensive ERP applications. This enhanced quality and speed, albeit traditional mode of conducting business continued.But digital scientists never stopped there, and India also started catching up. It will be appropriate to remember here Carl Sogan, an American astrophysicist. He said, “Imagination will carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” This paper aims to briefly understand how digital transformation is making us to appreciate the power of data and use it to transform from traditional to digital way of conducting business with the help of artificial intelligence.
In this Industry 4.0 era we are witnessing propagation of eight deep technologies, viz. AI, Blockchain, RPA, IoT, Drone, 3D Printing, AR, and VR. These are influencing and impacting life of business entities across sectors. The major outcome is fast shifting of the paradigm of competition from physical marketplace. Traditional business houses are a bit late in appreciating that there is a drop of oil in every data, which is the new source of energy for propelling business growth. Data, which was also available in ERP age, is now being considered as the most powerful asset for reverse mapping and framing agile strategies from market to entity.The new tribe of competitors, that have emerged in the form of Google, Amazon, Facebook, Alibaba Netflix Just Dial, etc. are re writing business rules with a paradigm shift. They have converted data into strategic power for thrusting business with quantum leaps. These players are disrupting incumbent players through a diagonally different, yet easy and simple mode of ensuring customers’ independence for choice and digitally delivering services. Players like Amazon and Google are adding one after the other business riding on the basic digital platform that was built first and making intelligent analytics of data they gathered in the process. Thus they have incredibly led multiple shift forwards of marketplace from physical to online, to social media, and now to the consumers’ drawing rooms using wheels of tele mobility.Learn more from pdf >>>>>>