13th Monthly Column Digital Transformation September-2020
Every single nation, irrespective of stage of development and might of wealth, has been shown a mirror by the unprecedented health emergency caused by Covid 19 Pandemic. It has revealed the blatant picture of healthcare facilities, gaps in infrastructure, inadequacy of care giving professionals, and state of readiness to handle such crises, despite experiencing earlier pandemics like Spanish Flu, Ebola, and Swine Flu. Mankind perhaps has finally understood that pandemic affects richer people faster like lifestyle diseases in large proportion than poor, when any amount of money cannot help arranging the needful treatment.The present crisis has persuasively brought out three major learning points. The first one is that preventive measures would always reduce the burden of hospitalisation, intensive care, and treatment of patients in critical conditions. Quicker the response time, lesser would be the probability of the crisis developing into unmanageable dimensions. The third one is the need for working with principles of universal altruism for managing any such mass affecting disease. It would help developing a sense of collaboration and cooperation among all stakeholders, including a global multi-lateral agency that should take charge of timely coordination across all nations. For effective handling of all these in a cost effectivemanner the overriding requirement is collection, safe storage and efficient analyses of all relevant data in respect of citizens’ health across all societal strata, service providers, manufacturers of medicines and equipment, results from their applications, etc. coupled with appropriate documentation under a prescribed set of guidelines. The need for standard policies, code of governance, and operating processes requires no overemphasis.
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